Books for Breakfast

19: IMRAM's magical films; forging Dracula with Henrietta McKervey

Peter Sirr

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IMRAM  is a longstanding festival that celebrates writing in Irish. This year sees it going digital with an enticing series of 'magical film' featuring translations of Ovid, Rilke's Duino Elegies, the Scottish performer and poet MacGillivray  and much more. We spoke to festival director Liam Carson about the inspirations behind this year's programme.

Today's Toaster Challenge guest is Henrietta McKervey whose A Talented Man  was published this year. Henrietta's Toaster Challenger is Anagrams  by Lorrie Moore.

Marbhna le Rainer Maria Rilke aistrithe ag Máire Mhac an tSaoi, ceol le Sean MacErlaine, léite ag Dairena Ní Chinnéide. Le caoinchead ó IMRAM.

Intro/outro music: Colm Mac Con Iomaire, ‘Thou Shalt Not Carry’ from The Hare’s Corner, 2008, with thanks to Colm for permission to use it.

Artwork by Freya Sirr

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